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Cost control is a concern for all CIOs, branch offices, treasurers of associations, director of establishment and services.
Office automation, as we know it today, consumes between 30 and 50% of IT budgets. We propose to realize more than 50% of econnomies on this budget item, now, without any investment (or almost).
In this area it is not a matter of looking only at the costs of acquisitions of PC (in the end it is only 10 to 15% of your TCO) but all the costs related to the use, Migrations, user support, software licenses and subscriptions.
DotRiver offers a quick calculation of your TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) with only a few information: number of current jobs, number of employees, retention of existing equipment (which we strongly recommend). We provide you with the spreadsheet that you can then modify as you see fit, with your data, your formulas.
The precise calculation of the TCO workstation must then be carried out according to your constraints, your environment, structure, software used and organization. For this we need to know precisely your figures, your data and we help you to make your choices according to your objectives (a good opportunity to take stock of this area of your IT).
This study is the subject of a mission in its own right.
Our goal is to accompany you in the long term in the field of Work Environments, we can then simply and quickly measure the gains made.
Contact us to know quickly what are the expected gains for your uses, we will answer you by return.
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